Established in June of 2016, Manty Dance Competition Team, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization registered with the State of Wisconsin. 

our mission

Our mission is to create meaningful, significant opportunities for competition team youth and their families through fundraising, education, and organization and to provide support and resources so that all may benefit from a positive experience.

what we do


We believe that every dancer deserves a chance to participate in a competitive dance environment to learn about teamwork, resilience, passion, and so much more—important skills for life. We don't want cost to be a roadblock. Dancers can raise funds individually by selling items like Uncle Mike's Kringles, pizzas, candy, pretzels, and popcorn. As a group, we raise money for the general fund with donation events at local restaurants and other locations, raffles, bake sales, and much more. Money in the general fund benefits ALL dancers on the team. Each season, every dancer receives a benefit from the general fund, such as earrings for performances, snack bags, money toward the purchase of mandatory apparel, and similar items.

In order to make a meaningful and significant financial difference for our dancers, we rely on the support of our friends, families, coworkers, and community. Thank you for your support.


A large part of being a competitive dancer is health and wellness. The nonprofit has a goal to provide educational opportunities and speakers related to the topics of nutrition, body image, mental health, and other important subjects.


The members of the nonprofit board are committed to providing as much information and guidance as possible to all dancers and their families. This includes fundraisers, hotel, parking, and logistical information about competition weekends, and other helpful tips for a successful season. 

board of directors

The Manty Dance Competition Team, Inc. Board of Directors, a group of volunteers, meets monthly.


CHAIR: Sara Biren

VICE-CHAIR: Alisa Denfeld

TREASURER: Heather Schad

SECRETARY: Bob Wallander


Kayla Bartels

Melissa Brasted

Dave Cookle

Brandi Damman

Jennifer Krall

Mary McLean

Amanda Reis

Tara Reyes

Stacy Wilker